Hello blog readers. I hope everyone is enjoying this weather. I just cannot get enough sun and BBQ. This topic of this blog has to do with having a monthly deficit at the end of the month on a regular basis This topic comes up a lot when I talk to people. We always end up talking about “the B word” everyone hates: budget. A budget sounds so confining like jumping on a 5pm NYC subway pre-covid. That is never a fun ride. So, how can we get out of the red without having so many restrictions?
Let’s discuss a case I was brought into a few years ago. A couple said they make a decent living but cannot figure out why they were unable to save money for the future. We sat down and looked at their monthly expenses for the past three months. Guess what we found?
There were subscriptions and expenses for items they do not even use monthly. Once we cut those expenses out, we looked at how often they ate out as opposed to bringing lunch. They never brought lunch from home. We came up with an agreement of bringing lunch from home three days a week and only eating out twice a week. What happened to that couple?
Not only did they have money to save at the end of every month for their future, but the husband also lost 40lbs from making these minor financial adjustments.
What is the lesson? You do not need to be counting every nickel and dime you spend per month, but can you make smarter decisions when it comes to how you use your money? If you are unsure, I have a few tools I can share with you. Please feel free to reach out via LinkedIn.