I am not Married / We Do Not Have Any Children: Who Should We Leave Our Estate to?
Hello Blog Readers,
I have some clients who are not married, and I have some that do not have any children. When we discuss who the beneficiaries should be on their financial accounts, it becomes a big deal. Why? Well sometimes they have a good relationship with just one of their siblings and the others they do not. Or they may have a good relationship with just one niece or nephew and not the rest. Who should they choose without hurting any family member’s feelings?
Another option I put on the table is their favorite charity. There are so many charities that could use the money to help others. Why else is choosing a charity a viable option? The answer in one word is: taxes. If you leave money to your favorite charity, then the charity will receive the money tax-free. Also, during your lifetime, you can start making contributions to your favorite charity and receive a tax write off. Before making a contribution, or leaving a charity funds as a beneficiary, it is important to talk to a tax specialist. This way you will not have to have that awkward conversation at the dinner table during family get togethers.
Your family may not love your idea to leave money to your favorite charity, but at the end of the day it is your money, and it is your decision. There are so many people right now without a job and they do not have enough money to buy food, wouldn’t it not be nice to give back to the community. If you would like to make a charity your beneficiary, please reach out to them for further assistance. There really is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.